Friends of Children of Brevard, a charity, supports abused, neglected, or abandoned kids in Brevard County. Since 1985, we've been helping. We help kids in foster care have normal experiences. Your donations make this happen, directly helping Brevard County foster kids.
Urgent, essential, and normal needs are reviewed within 24 business hours by the Friends of Children’s Needs Committee.
Before requesting funds it’s a good idea to talk to your Case Manager. They may be able to get funds from Family Allies or Brevard Family Partnership. Ask your Child Advocacy Manager, who knows local resources, before requesting.
- We support children assigned to the Guardian ad Litem Office in Brevard County.
- We prefer to buy things directly and have them shipped to the caregiver. We work with Walmart, Target, Amazon, and other stores.
- If needed, we can pay organizations directly. Give online ordering or payment links.
- For non-online orders, we send checks to Guardian ad Litem volunteer.
- Requests must fit the purpose.
- If funds aren't used, they need to be returned within 30 days.
- Items belong to the child and move with them.
- What you can ask for: We pay for clothes, computers, school stuff, and more.
- We don't pay for gaming, phones, ongoing costs, etc.
- Aging-out youth get help from WAYS for Life Brevard.
- Urgent Requests: We focus on basic needs like clothes and shoes for kids with few things.
- Normalcy and Bonding: Ask for activities that bond. We prefer one-time requests. We can't promise money for ongoing fees.
- Beds: We work with Family Allies/Brevard Family Partnership for beds. We can provide bedding.
- Driver’s Ed, Licenses, Insurance: Look at Keys to Independence for details.
- Bus Passes: We decide case by case for school or work needs.
- Recurring Costs: Contact us for ongoing costs.
- Phones: No money for phones.
- Computer Games: No money for gaming or computer games.
- Birthdays/Holidays: We have a Birthday Club and distribute gifts during the holiday.
- Agreement: If you take money, show receipts and give back extra money. Send original receipts within 30 days to: Friends of Children of Brevard, P.O. Box 360915, Melbourne, FL 32936; Phone: 321-247-9717
Upload forms or email to Mail@FriendsofChildrenofBrevard.org